Sunday, August 20, 2017

August 20th, 2017

Welcome to the week in PreK!

The children are eager to come to school each morning as we explore new friendships and learn about the classroom together.

In our PreK program, we focus on units and within these units, we will have the opportunity to study questions deeply in groups.  Our first unit of study is called "Myself, My School, and Relationships." We are beginning to learn about our classroom and how to use materials responsibly.  In the upcoming week, we will continue to learn more as a group about the routines and expectations of our classroom space.  We are also excited to get to know each other as a PreK community!  The children have begun developing new relationships and we will continue to play games and sing songs to help learn each others' names and get to know one another.

We will also begin our first unit in the PreK Eureka Math curriculum which is all about conceptual understanding of counting to five, matching objects, sorting, and then counting to ten. The children will learn these skills through games, playing with different toys and manipulatives, and songs.

On Sunday, we are looking forward to our first specialist visits: Mrs. Fitzgerald, our librarian, will visit with a traveling library of age-appropriate books, and Ms. Ghada, our Arabic and Egypt Culture class teacher, will visit to begin introducing the students to the Arabic language.  The teachers will visit the classroom in order to maximize time with the students and minimize transitions and traveling time for our youngest CAC learners.  Later, we will begin to invite our other specialist teachers, including those from P.E., music, drama, and visual arts, to join our classroom and support our unit of study in small group learning sessions.

Here are some photos from last week at school:

Exploring shells in the discovery center.

 Dot marker art at the writing table. 

Day two showed continued interest in building tall towers in the block area.

Some interest in spelling with our magnetic letters!

A classroom volunteer helper, Ms. Julia, enjoys playdough with some friends.

The dramatic play center offers a chance to try on new outfits and play with many soft toys and dolls.

Some students discovered "sticker scenes" and narrated stories using the reusable stickers.

Today we read a PreK classic, "Little Blue and Little Yellow," by Leo Lionni.

Inspired by the book, some children went to the art center to mix up some paint!

Who mixed blue and yellow together?

Several children collaborated to create a garage for all of the cars during a "snowstorm."

The children are already developing positive relationships based on shared interests and fun!


Every Sunday, please be sure to pack a cloth library bag to transport your child's library books home safely in.  Please label your library bag clearly with your child's name.  Thank you!

From the ES Library:

Hello, preK families! Greetings from the ES library. We had our first library session this morning and we had a lot of fun reading the book Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons. You can find an animated story version here, and lots of more Pete the Cat stories on Pete TV

Please be sure to read the print letter I sent with your child today. It describes the use of the ES library bags. All ES children must have one. Your child needs to bring his/her library bag on Sundays to transport books from home and back again. This will help build responsibility skills. 

Do also make time to read the book your child chose today before you return it next Sunday. Doing so tells them that their choices in reading are important. Enjoy your book together. Look at the pictures and talk about them before reading. Preschool children rely on the pictures to understand the story, so that is time well spent. For more tips on reading to babies and preschoolers, visit Reach Out and

Yours in reading, 
Josianne Fitzgerald

Thank you to families for packing healthy morning snacks for your children!  We have had all children eating nutritious morning snacks, and all children hungry and eating all of their lunches at lunch time!  Please be sure to pack a separate, labeled morning snack for your child and drop it off in the fruit basket by the door.  If you pack it in a baggie, it will be easier to fit and we will rinse and return the baggie to you at the end of the day.  Thank you!

Sunday is the first day of our full day schedule with core program dismissal at 1:00 and after-care available.  If you have signed your child up for after-care, please be sure to pack a second snack for after-care.

Please be sure that you have informed the teachers about your child's dismissal plans: bus, front gate pick-up, or classroom pick-up. If your child will be picked up at the front gate (or classroom) by anyone other than a parent or primary guardian, you MUST provide a photocopy of this person's photo identification in advance so that we can safely identify the individual we will be dismissing your child to.  We will not be able to release any child into the custody of an adult who has not been previously identified by a parent as authorized to pick up their child.  This does include grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family members. Thank you for your understanding of the safety procedures here at CAC that ensure all children are safe.

Upcoming Events:

Back to School Night on August 22nd, from 5:15-7:00pm.  Please be sure that you take some time in advance to review the slideshow we have created, which includes curriculum information and examples as well as important information about the school. Click here to access the PreK BTSN Slideshow.  We're looking forward to engaging in some fun activities together and hope to see you there.  This event is for parents only; there is no childcare available.

Parent Day is coming up next Sunday, August 27nd.  This first parent-teacher conference is an opportunity for you as parents to share with us any information that will help us understand your child as a learner.  We look forward to a great day that will help support all PreK students in having a successful year!

Please be sure to check the PreK calendar to the left of each blog post to stay up to date with any important upcoming events.  This calendar is updated regularly.

As always, please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.  My email address is  See you at school!


Our optional after-care program begins on Sunday. The schedule will be the same for the children each day:

1:00-1:15 Story
Quiet Time
Clean Up
End-of-Day Circle
3:05 Dismissal

This week in after-care, the teachers will be exploring the color yellow with the children during activity time.  This will include making yellow play dough, working on an art activity using yellow materials, and enjoying a yellow fruit cutting and tasting activity (please let us know if you object to your child eating bananas or tasting lemons during after-care snack on Wednesday).  

Parent's Corner:

Each week, we offer a section in our blog with some helpful tips to help make a stronger connection between school and home.  In the classroom, we focus on using a positive approach to behavior management, so that children can feel empowered to learn from mistakes.  We hope that each student feels like a responsible, competent, contributing member of our PreK community.

Has your child been demonstrating some behaviors at home that seem out of place?  Starting a new routine can be stressful!  Though the children in our classroom seem very happy to come to school each day, we are mindful that there had been a major change for each of them in the past week.  Here are some resources to learn about some ways that you can help support the back-to-school transition at home for young children.

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