We began a new unit this week, Structures Near and Far. We have been providing varied experiences for the children including books, group conversations, and new materials to work with while we watch to see where their interests will take them. More focused small group work will start next week.
We discussed the features of homes and buildings at our meeting, and the children described some of the parts of buildings they know. They identified windows, doors, locks, roofs, bathrooms, and chimneys as being a part of a building. We took a walk to see if we could locate these building features around our school and check them off on a simple checklist. The children enjoyed seeing their ideas used purposefully in print, and were able to interact with them by checking off the features once they found them on campus.
We read poetry with our buddies outside on Thursday morning.
The children also continued to demonstrate an ongoing interest: dinosaurs. This week they are talking about dinosaur eggs and nests.
"The dinosaur ate the eggs!"
Dinosaur eggs in a nest during outside play (with a parent dinosaur keeping them warm).
Next Week:
In our upcoming week the students will begin work on small group studies including investigations of animal homes, and an inquiry into doors, locks, and enclosures.
We will begin a new math unit where we talk about the attributes of two-dimensional shapes including triangles, squares, and circles.
Toys from Home
So many children are eager to make connections with friends by sharing their toys from home. However, we are finding that these toys are increasingly becoming a distraction from the carefully chosen materials and activities in the PreK classroom, rather than a way for students to create relationships with each other. Toys from home are not encouraged as they interfere with students' abilities to engage with learning tasks throughout the day. We appreciate your help in this request that supports all student learning. If, for some reason, a toy must come to school, we ask that it be small enough to fit in your child's backpack. If it is challenging or distracting for your child to keep it there, a teacher will hold on to it for safekeeping until the end of the day. Please know that even when toys are in backpacks or with the teacher, most children at this age will be focused on their special toys from home and will have a hard time focusing on their peers and on our learning goals for the day.
Please note that any child who has a transitional object, such as a special stuffed animal, should not be discouraged from bringing this to school when needed. This is different from bringing a toy from home to play with or show friends as it supports the child's emotional wellness during transition times. Please let the teachers know about this need if you have not done so already.
Upcoming Events:
We have a D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything And Read!) Assembly on Tuesday, October 10! Please support by packing a book with your child on Tuesday morning. The entire elementary division will begin the day with 15 minutes of quiet reading. Parents are welcome to join, bring a book too!
Promoting Writing With Your Child
Christy Curran, a literacy consultant with extensive experience as a classroom teacher and coach, is returning to CAC. She will be leading a Coaching Institute with CAC teachers and coaches from other international schools in the region, teaching model lessons in classrooms, and running workshops for teachers and parents. We hope you can join us Wednesday, 11 October, 2:00 to 3:00pm in the 1st Floor Common Room for a presentation on Promoting Writing With Your Child. We are excited to have her back! Christy has worked at the internationally renowned Teachers College Reading and Writing Project as a staff developer.
Global Math Week
From the 15th to 19th October the CAC elementary school will be celebrating Global Math Week, the world’s biggest community mathematics event. The aim of the event is to unite one million students around the globe in a shared experience of joyful uplifting mathematics. During this week at CAC, there will be a number of different mathematical activities going on for students and families to enjoy. These include:
- During their math class that week, students will participate in the Global Math Week focus activity - Exploding Dots!
- A Math Trail will be set up around the elementary school grounds. Students and families can complete the tasks during recess or after school and submit their responses each day. At the end of the week, a display will showcase the most creative solutions.
- A Problem of the Day will be posed to challenge our most dedicated mathematicians. Parents are allowed (and encouraged) to help!
- A Parent Workshop will provide an opportunity for parents to share in the joy and fun of Exploding Dots alongside their children and will share some tips for keeping the math fun going home.
The ultimate goal of Global Math Week is to change the way the world sees the math. We want to help our students appreciate math as joyful, relevant, meaningful and creative. Join us in celebrating the wonder of math! Global Math Week Parent Workshop: Tuesday 17th October, 8:30 - 9:30am
Global math team: Selena, Mel, Phil. C, Penny, Julie
To support global math week in PreK we are asking families to please donate egg cartons. Please send them to school with your children and we will use them for our activities. Thank you!
Mark your calendars! PreK Parent Community Meetings have been scheduled for the year! Based on your feedback, the two most convenient times are before 3:05 pick-up, and in the evenings at 5:00-5:30. We hope you will join us for community conversations about curriculum and child growth and development facilitated by Ms. Trillian. Our first meeting will be on October 19th at 2:30-3:00.
Parent Community Meetings
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Thursday, October 19
Drinks provided
Monday, November 20
Pot luck - bring a light snack
Tuesday, January 23
Drinks provided
Thursday, March 1
Drinks provided
Wednesday, April 11
Pot luck - bring a light snack
Sunday, May 13
Drinks provided
Last week the children finished their colors exploration with a week of rainbow activities. Next week they will work on activities related to animals.
Circle Solutions:
Next week we will begin talking about this month's school-wide core value focus, responsibility. Are you interested in borrowing one of our library books that focuses on the core values? Please contact the teacher to sign one out, and you can read it at home with your child. Click here to see the available core value books.
Parents' Corner:
Does it ever feel hard to manage all of the things going on in your professional and personal life, with being the parent you want to be? Click here to read this week's article: 7 Ways Busy Parents Can Help Their Children Feel Special.
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