Sunday, December 3, 2017

December 3rd, 2017

Our Week in PreK:

The PreK students had a short week due to parent teacher conferences and the Prophet's Birthday Holiday.  We had a lot of learning and fun, though!

The children began thinking and talking about balls and movement.  A popular activity and engagement was a new ramp exploration in the block area.  Magnetic ramp pieces that can connect in various ways allow students to create different configurations for balls to travel through.  It was a great introduction to our new topic!

Here are some more photos from our week together:

Creative and collaborative block building.

Enjoying a new provocation: lights and building at the table.

Working with letters in the block area.

An animal train.

Students enjoy writing their names on their block structures.

After the lights briefly flickered, the class conducted an investigation: who turned the lights off!?

Next Week:

The children will do some simple experiments to learn more about balls, wheels, and movement.  We will play some art games in the classroom to explore the topic.  We will learn about the letter M using playdough, blocks, and sand.

Circle Solutions:

Next week we are excited to start having a circle time with our fifth grade buddies!  We will share with them some of our activities that we are "experts" at, including greetings, the warm wind blows, and "what's the news," a new game we learned last week to help us learn about each other.


Next week the children will do some activities to learn more about the four seasons.


Parents, thank you for taking the time to read our classroom blog.  Some families find it more convenient to subscribe by email.  To subscribe, simply enter your email address in the box on the upper left corner of the blog home screen.  You will then receive the weekly blog as an email instead of coming to the webpage to view it!

Upcoming Events:

Next week we will have an early release day on Monday, December 4th.  The students will be dismissed at 11:30.

As a part of the Service Learning Office activities for the Elementary school and with the cooperation of the Students Council team, we will start a Warm Clothing Drive and Toy Drive to be donated to Stabl Antar Dreams School. The collection of the donations will begin on Wednesday, December 6th, 2017. Elementary school students will have boxes for donations in their classrooms.  Middle and High school students will be able to donate in the boxes at Eagle Plaza (The front gate).

On the day of the Winter Celebration (December 21, 2017) there will be different stations to clean, fix, sort and wrap the donated items. Parents are welcomed to help with these tasks at the different stations during this day. Please check the full plan of the day here:  Winter Celebration Community Service Plan. Please follow our announcements and updates on the CACN, Newsletters and Tuesday's morning assemblies.  Thank you for your continued support of CAC and helping others stay warm this winter.

Winter Celebrations
As we are planning for the last day of school which includes a house event, winter parties and culminating in a winter assembly at the end of the day, we hope you will all be here to join in the fun! If you can’t, we would appreciate knowing if you are planning to take your child/ren away at an earlier date. Please inform your classroom teacher.

Parents' Corner:

Interesting Article
Play-dates are an important, but often overlooked tool that can support children's development of social skills, language, and so much more.  As a parent, you can help your child through many of the ups and downs of a playdate, but should you be involved in choosing who your child is friends with? Click here to read an article about helping your child make and keep friends, and what to do when your child chooses a friend who you may not have chosen for them yourself!

Research Opportunity
We have an exciting opportunity to collaborate with Saint Lawrence University in the USA and AUC, Cairo, to contribute to ongoing research about children's ideas about ownership.  Next week, graduate students from AUC will visit our campus to engage with students in a brief play / question and answer session, in order to provide regional information which will be added to a world-wide study of children of this age.

Because we benefit regularly from ongoing research and best practice in the field of early childhood development, it is a wonderful opportunity for CAC to participate in this study.  We hope you all will support this research opportunity.  In order to participate, children will need to have a signed permission form which can be accessed here (Permission Form Link).  If, for some reason, you do not wish for your child to participate in the study, do not fill out a permission form.

By clicking the attached permission form link, you will find more information about the study.  If you have any additional questions, please see Ms. Trillian or Ms. Amies.

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