Tuesday, April 10, 2018

April 10th, 2018

Our Week:

Welcome back to school after our long break!  The children were busy and working hard in the week before April Break.  Some students were very interested in the idea of building structures to protect plants.  They worked hard to create plans and even took advice from an expert builder, Mr. Miller in the middle school, when we visited his workshop.  The students drew plans and then build models of their "plant houses" in the classroom and outside.  We'd love to build real houses out of bricks outside to keep some plants safe from the wind and sandstorms.

Our other small group continued to develop their interest in living things, specifically snails.  They demonstrated understanding of "what living things need to survive" by describing what snails would need to live and then building a habitat for snails.  They carefully observed their behavior over the course of the week. At the end of the week, they decided the snails should go outside to live during our vacation because they wouldn't be able to have food and water in the classroom during vacation. 

Here are some more photos from our week together:

Project adventure in P.E.

After discovering an insect in the classroom, student planned and built a home for it in a plant.

Handwriting group this week.

A video of the whole class having fun at Project Adventure stations.

Next Week:

The students will begin learning more about our environment and the importance of taking care of it as we begin our unit "The Environment: Reducing and Reusing." We will expand on our understanding of living things as we explore concepts of recycling, reducing our impact on the earth, and reusing materials.

We will continue our exploration of number stories, by discussing addition and subtraction stories in small groups.  The students will practice the letter A using a multisensory approach appropriate to their developmental level.

Circle Solutions:

During circles, we will re-focus on our sense of community after our long break from school.


Please be sure to send an email to tclifford@cacegypt.org with any change in dismissal routines before the school day begins.  If there are last-minute changes (during the school day), please call the ES office so that they can give the message to the classroom teachers, who are working with the students and may not see an email message during the day.  Anyone who will be picking up your child needs to have a photo ID on file and advance authorization from a parent/primary caregiver.  Thanks for supporting all children's safety at school.

Upcoming Events:

We have our next parent community meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) April 11th, at 5:00-5:30.  Bring a snack to share, and we look forward to talking more about our ongoing curriculum in the classroom as well as any topics you may have in mind!

Egypt Festival is coming up next Thursday, April 19th!  PreK will be involved in an assembly performance in the morning, singing a song.  You are welcome to join us for the PreK Egypt Culture activity as well as the delicious lunch.

Mark your calendar for our annual Egypt Festival on Thursday, April 19. We will celebrate our host country, Egypt through music, dancing, food and grade level activities connected to themes. To add to the spirit of the day we invite you to wear a galabeya or perhaps clothes that reflect Egypt.
Come sample a variety of Egyptian dishes. Freshly baked baladi bread (from our very own mud brick oven) will be on sale for ES students during their recess and for MS & HS. Our Egyptian Food Festival is free for all elementary students, parents, teachers, and staff. Students will have an activity related to their Egyptian Culture curriculum. Looking forward to a great cultural experience.
We need your help!
Parents are an important part of our Egypt Festival. We would love your help if you're available at either lunchtime or the bread selling booth. Please sign up to help us if you can.

Egypt Festival Parent Letter including schedule for the day.

The Arabic and Egyptian Culture Department

Parents' Corner:

Click here to read more about the importance of validating your child's feelings.

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