Even though it has been a very short school week, a lot of learning, investigating and exploring took place!
Coming back after the spring break, we started to explore a new unit together: "The Environment: Reducing and Reusing". More specifically, we started to investigate garbage and litter by opening up our garbage museum: The children carefully chose with some tweezers the trash they would like to keep in their own ziplock bags for observations and made predictions of what will happen with it over time. We will find out if, how and when it will change during the next week.
Following up we spent some time outside on the playground and could not believe how much garbage we could find on the ground in such a short time.
We will continue to investigate this and how it is impacting our environment. How does it affect animals, like turtles and penguins in the ocean, or plants all around? The students have started making some draft designs for signs of how we can encourage people to stop littering - inside and outside of campus.
We also continued to practice for our big assembly on the 24th of April and the children translate their knowledge into some acting and dancing. We are excited to share our learning with the whole school.
Here are some more photos from our week together:
Next Week:
Next week we will continue to learn more about how we can help the environment and our community. The children will learn about the big difference they can make here in our neighborhood! We will take a short walk to the Midan next to school on April 22nd, with many adult chaperones from school, to bring some plant houses and some "no litter" signs that the children will work on this week. We will spend the upcoming week preparing our materials to help our community.
The children will walk over to the midan with 8-9 adults (1 adult to 2 children ratio), to see the condition that the plants and environment is in. After this, we hope they will be motivated to help even more and we would love to invite you to volunteer for our next field trip as we help the Race to Clean Air group plant trees and plants in the midan as part of their ongoing initiative to beautify our neighborhood.
The children will also be working on subtraction stories in small group time, as well as learning about the letter S.
Please be sure to bring your child's library books and bag back to school every Sunday. Students are allowed to check out two new books so long as all previous library materials are returned, and they have a bag to bring them home him. As parents, you can help by reminding your child that library comes after the weekend, and encouraging them to pack up their library bag and bring it to the door so that it's ready to go in the morning. Thank you for supporting your child's responsibility and independence.
Upcoming Events:
The Race to Clean Air is Sunday, April 22nd after school! Come help out a good cause that the PreK class is especially close to.
Our PreK Students will be performing at assembly on April 24th. Please don't miss it! Assembly begins at 7:55, and we ask that the performers arrive a bit early: 7:40 or 7:45 maximum. Thanks!
Dear Parents,
Mark your calendar for our annual Egypt Festival on Thursday, April 19, 2018. Parents are invited to join us as we celebrate our host country, Egypt through music, dancing, food and grade level activities connected to the Egyptian Culture themes.
To add to the spirit of the day we invite you to wear a galabeya or perhaps clothes that reflect Egypt. You can purchase a galabeya on the 17th from 2:00 - 5:00 and on the 18th and 19th from 7:30-5:00 p.m. Our morning assembly will open the festivities for the day in the theatre and you are welcome to join us from 7:55 AM - 8:45 AM.
Our Egyptian lunch is for all elementary students, parents, teachers and staff and will be held during lunch/recess times between 11:00 - 11:30 for PreK, 12:00 - 12:30 for Kg, Grade 1 & 2, 12:30 - 1:00 for Grade 3,4 & 5 in the ES Hall. You will sample a variety of Egyptian dishes including freshly baked baladi bread (from our very own mud brick oven).
The bread will be on sale for PreK - 12 students during their recess. A loaf costs two pounds and last year our students loved the fresh bread for morning snack.
The school will be covering the cost of the lunch and all entertainment. Students have pre paid 40 LE for their grade-level activity at the beginning of the year.
Parents are an important part of our Egypt Festival. We would love you to come and enjoy the Hassaballa morning welcome, opening ceremony, learn crafts from our vendors, the Tanoura closing ceremony, and we would appreciate your support by volunteering at either lunchtime or bread selling. Please sign up to help us if you can.
Parent helpers
We are looking forward to you joining us to celebrate our host country, Egypt and thank you for your support.
Elementary Egyptian Culture/Arabic Team
Egypt Festival Schedule
2017 -2018
| |||
April 17
2:00 - 5:00 pm
ES Lawn
CAC Community
April 18 7:30pm-5:00pm
Ghalabaya Sale
Vendors Sales - (Ceramics - Mashrabiya - Egyptian Toys)
ES Lawn
Classes during the day -
CAC Community - after school
April 19
7:30am - 5:00pm
Ghalabaya Sale
Vendors Sales - Ceramics - Mashrabiya - Egyptian Toys
Outside ES Cafeteria
ES Lawn
CAC Community
Classes during the day - CAC Community - after school
7:00 - 7:50
Hassabala Musicians
Gate and ES Lawn
Everyone is welcome
7:55 - 8:45
Opening Egypt Culture Assembly
All elementary students, parents, teachers and staff
8:55 - 9:30
Population in Egypt
Nubian Craft
Grade 2 students
Parents welcome
8:55 - 9:30
I Live in Egypt
Palm Tree Scene
KG students
Parents welcome
Look What Comes From Egypt
Pre K students
Parents welcome
10:00- 10:35
Myths & Beliefs
Mosaic Necklace
Grade 4 students
Parents welcome
11:00 - 11:35
Arabic Calligraphy
Calligraphy project
Grade 3 students
Parents welcome
11:00 - 11:35
Capital Cities
Fatimid Ceramics
Back of ES Building
Grade 5 students
Parents welcome
11:00 - 11:30
PreK, Egyptian Festival Lunch
ES Hall
Pre-K, Students, parents, teachers, aides
12:00 - 12:30
Gr Kg & Gr. 1 & 2
Egyptian Festival Lunch
Gr. 3/4/5 Outside Recess
ES Hall
Kg & Gr. 1 and Gr. 2 Students, parents, teachers,
12:30 - 1:00
Gr. 3/4/5 Egyptian Festival Lunch
Kg & Gr. 1 & 2 Outside Recess
ES Hall
Gr.3, 4 & Gr. 5 Students, parents, teachers, aides
12:55 - 1:30
Famous Buildings
Clay Pyramids
Back of ES Building
Grade 1 students
Parents welcome
2:25 - 3:00
Closing Ceremony Tanoura
Everyone is welcome
Used Book Sale
May 8 to 10
We are getting ready for our annual used book sale, this year from May 8 to 10. We welcome donations of used books for all ages in saleable condition. This is a good time for departing families to dispose of books before packing. We will soon have a donation box at the front gate.
Talent Show Updates
Our ES Talent Show date has been moved to April 30th. We are supporting our wonderful PTO with this change of date. Thank you all for your flexibility.
Please find below important dates and information regarding this year’s ES Talent Show:
April 15th and 16th Acts will perform for the ES Talent Show team. They will come during their lunch/recess time to the Drama Room. Any Act that is not performance-ready will not participate in this year’s Talent Show.
Sunday, April 29th is the mandatory rehearsal in the CAC Theatre from 3:15 - 5:15. All students must have a way to go home; the late bus service is not available. Students will be dismissed from the CAC Theatre at 5:15.
All Choir students will attend the Choir rehearsal on Sunday, April 29th, then come directly to the CAC Theatre for the remainder of the rehearsal.
The Talent Show will be for ALL ACTS beginning at 5:30 - 7:30 on April 30th. The Show will end by 8pm. ALL ACTS must come to the Theatre at 5pm, performance ready.
ES Talent Show
April 30th, 2018
Tickets - 30LE per seat
Performances: 5:30-6:15
Intermission: 6:15-6:30
Performances: 6:30-7:15
Show ends 7:30pm.
Thank you for your continued support. Please contact Ms. Dolly for any further clarifications or questions.
ES Talent Show Team
Parents' Corner:
When is the best time to talk to your child about challenging behaviors? And how do you approach the topic? Click here to read an interesting article about timing and methods of teaching children social and emotional skills.
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